The medical field does not encompass only doctors and nurses. Many women, of all professions wear medical scrubs and lab coats on a daily basis. Medical assistants, lab technicians, physical therapists and even veterinarians, their assistants and techs wear scrubs each day while working.

It doesn't just stop there though. Women who are in those types of professions usually work long hours and therefore spend more time in their work clothes. In fact, depending on schedules, many women find themselves managing their day-to-day tasks while dressed for work. Stopping at the local grocery store on the way home from work, taking children to and from day care, even taking a lunch hour to run errands. If you are a woman in a profession which keeps you long hours and requires you to wear medical scrubs, then you know it is extremely important to feel comfortable in what you're wearing.

For the longest time, most stores that carry medical apparel had a limited selection in not only colors and prints but in sizes as well. Sizes XS – XL was standard. What happens when you are a tall woman with small hips? You need to buy scrub pants in an XL to make sure they will fit in length but then the waist is much too big. Or what about those who are petite? Most women who need to wear petite pants are forced into an XS but those XS pants may be too tight.

It's a frustration that so many women in the medical field have been dealing with and it doesn't have to be that way! Women want to not only feel comfortable in what they wear but they also want to look great! If you are a woman in the medical field then you would agree that you would never buy regular clothing that did not fit properly, so why should you have to buy work attire that doesn't fit?

There are wonderful online stores that carry these medical scrubs and lab coats that actually fit your size. Now you can find scrub sizes in 0 – 16 and regular pant lengths in sizes 0 – 16, and petite pants in 00P – 14P, and tall in sizes 0T – 16T. This is an incredible selection, in multiple colors too!

If you are comfortable in what you wear, you feel better. If you're feeling good then your attitude and work performance is up to par. Sometimes it is all about the clothes!

Are you a petite woman who finds shopping for clothes which fit, a real challenge? I am a petite woman and I used to find that being less than 5ft 3" meant that my size is not at the top of the manufactures lists!

 So, what changed? Well, since training as an Image Consultant, I am now fully equipped with rules & tools to enable me to select the right styles and put together my outfits appropriately for my size.


All of use can use the key rule of wearing one colour from head to toe to create the illusion of height.  If you prefer to wear two colours, make sure the proportions are 2/3 to 1/3, with the lighter, brighter colour being the 1/3 at the top.


Wearing bulky fabrics or those styles with large volume will only succeed in swamping the petite frame. So, ensure you avoid skirts & trousers with minimal volume.


Smaller prints are far more flattering for petites. Large patterns will swamp you and give you the appearance of being larger than you actually are.

 Fabric weight

You need to ensure you balance the weight of fabric with your bone structure. If you have very fine fingers, narrow wrists and angles, you will need to keep to minimal texture in your clothing. You can layer your fabrics but make sure this is only done with fine to medium fabrics.

 Clothing details

Try to avoid clothing styles which have large details which run the risk of making you look like a clown!  Detailing such as pockets, buttons, collars, belts need to be kept in balance with your scale and height.  If you choose to wear a large accessory such as a necklace or belt as a statement piece, then you need to ensure it is the only piece and that the rest of the outfit must be kept simple.

 Tall & Petite

If you are petite in scale but are tall, you can tweak these rules slightly. With your height you will be able to wear more colour blocking. Layering can be achieved using heavier and more textured fabrics. A neat hairstyle is a must for a petite frame but if you are taller, you can opt for a fuller hairstyle. You will also be able to wear larger accessories without the worry of them being to large for your frame.

 If you are petite or if you face any other challenges when you are shopping for clothes, then why not treat yourself to a full Colour Me Beautiful Image Consultation. Your consultant will focus on your positive attributes and provide you with some easy to follow tips to abolish those challenges. You will also find out the best stores to find clothing which is appropriate for the petite woman.

 Or you could start your new journey by grabbing yourself a copy of Colour Me Confident, Colour Me Beautiful's fantastic book. Colour Me Confident will guide you through your best colours & styles and shopping will likely never be a challenge again!




<b><i>Petition of Ignorance: Banning of Islam<br>

Hasan Yahya, Ph.D</i></b><br>

On February 18, 2009 at 8.15 pm, Lorenzo Bouchard sent to honorable court elected members a message under the title: BAN ISLAM ( PETITION ON  GOOGLE), as it is in capital letters. He addressed : TO: THE WORLD COURT. He describes the message as phase 1, in controlling Islam. For those who are concerned "about "Slavery, especially of Women in our modern World" and asked politely the members " please read the following item." Now you know the sender and the subject matter and the receivers of the petition are: those who are interested in human values and "Universal Love"  which in his belief are "THE WORLD COURT" to judge his request. The undersigned are representing International petitioners. Their request is to "ban on the organization called Islam." And requested  such ban due to "criminal acts of its founder Muhammad" and the Qur'an's doctrines  which he describes "presently legitimizes the criminal acts of paedophilia, assassinations" and "the oppression of women" By "suppressing their human rights" In his opinion, "the penalties of stoning, and dismemberment, the utilization of terror as a weapon on intimidation and control" The letter was written in capital letters, to give importance as he imagined. <br> My comments on the petition and the way it is provided: 1) he brings the honorable Prophet of Islam, which Bernard Shaw, the Irish philosopher described as the top of 100 historical personalities in history, found on earth as a great leader. <br> 2) The petition wanted to bring Muhammad (SAAS) the Prophet of Islam like Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, and Hitler for the Holocoust, and the Butcher of Bosnian Muslims of Checkoslovakia.  Which I believe is a completely ignorant and unfounded claim. It is the same ignorance used by extremists that use religion as a means to an end. What if another petitioner, Muslim this time,  came with the same idea of petition for David who slayed the Palestinian leader: Goliath, three thousand years back. Or Solomon, who was equally dealing with 700 women as wives, and 300 as concubines. Or Moses, who killed the Egyptian before he ran away with his crime, and finally Jesus to claim injustice of putting him on the Cross. All viable petitions if used under the pretence of ignorance as in Bouchard's case. <br>3) In this petition there is comment number: 16, which shows Sir Winston Churchill stated in 1899, that Muslims utilize cruel rules and practices early in his life when he was ignorant in politics and of Islam as a great religion. By generalizing his view for all Muslims. Then you have comment number: 184, for William S. Arnott, Ph.D who strongly encourages such petitions. <br>  My comment: He has a Ph.D, to say the man is an authority, in fact the carrier of this Ph.D wrote: "Their [the Muslims] deterministic religion is not for the freedom of anyone but is for control of everyone." I think the use of "anyone," and "everyone" over generalizes in a situation when specificality is needed rendering his opinion out of the scientific circle by any  quantitative or qualitative measurement. He has the courage as to fool himself among scientists of the world who unlike him, have a Ph.D, and master research theories and methodologies, based on valid conclusions. As scientists they know very well, rules of conduct, when it comes to validity of findings which is relative to their assumptions, sampling designs,  and population for generalization. He reminds me of Phyllis Chesler, the Jewish feminist  writer, who married a Muslim man from Afghanistan, she too, had a  Ph.D. She discovered the cultural secrets of her husband's family, and generalized the very same secrets of one family against all Muslims all the way back to Muhammad (SAAS). <br> 4) In support of this position the petitioner cites comments from a range of contributors listed by numbers as follows: 16, 184, 536, 518,  82, 653, 655, 654, and 659.  Comment number  536, which  he breached as an innocent adolescent shool boy that "the muslims are a victim of islam. make no mistake about that." And calls to rescue "the helpless victims of islam" and help them to be "a free people" He then proceeds to call on Saudi Arabia to change its ways. This stikes me as somewhat odd. Someone as learned as the petioner would claim to be would undoubtly understand that Saudi Arabia is a small portion of the Muslim world, which includes over 1.5 Billion followers. Its population according to almanac 2007, was 27 million. That is less than 2% of the overall Muslim population worldwide. Thanks for the advice, I am sure Saudi Arabia appreciates it. <br> 5) Comment 518, the comment is written in French. Unfortunately, I do not speak French. I did, however, recognize some catalystic words. Words such as; Islam, Cathiliques, genocide, massacre, religions, Bouddiste, hindu, religion impose, and psychologiques, and sects, among others. My ethical resolve does not allow me to comment on something that I do not fully understand. I only wish the petitioner had such ethical standards.<br> 6) Comment number:  82. This comment includes a quote by Alexis de Tocqueville on Islam saying: "I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad." This is the opinion of one man. We cannot understand the context of his remarks. Did he elaborate on this or did he later do more research? While I respect this mans opinion it cannot be taken as reference on the religion as a whole. Lest we forget, Alexis was a true politician. He was admired in America as a politician from Europe, and followed the same school of thought as that of Winston Chirchill. If the political views had been different he may have said things differently.  He might say that he admired the man who took a one person ideology and grew it to 1.5 billion followers in less than 1500 years. Unfortunately, we cannot follow up with Monsieur Tocqueville. <br> 7) Comment number 653. says "Islam took a Hindu/ Buddist region (formerly Afghanistan/ Pakistan/ India) and DIVIDED IT. Hindu/Buddists were tolerant religions and people." Then s/he describes the tolerance of suicide among Muslims out of fear and pride. And calls for people to Wake up from what s/he calls "fear masquerading as pride" or what s/he calls "STOCHOLM SYNDROME". I have no comment here, because to talk about how Muslims and Hindu people were united to get rid of Great Britain's occupation of their lands for many years. They came together and split the region into West Pakistan and East Pakistan [known as Bangladesh] andf India in the middle. The three are democratically accepted by the West's moral and democratic standards. Here, I would have appreciated some more facts or proper research of the area being commented on. <br> 8) Comment 655. a comment from someone;  s/he says: "The use of religion to torture, kill, malign, coerce and condone maltreatment of any living creature is heinous." I agree so far. But on this statement I disagree. s/he said:  "Islam does all of these things." According to whom? This is your basic stereotypical mentality and wreaks of ignorance. Many of the comments are like this, one persons account or opinion but completely unsubstantiated and lacking in real value in understanding. <br> 9) Comment 654. says:"In the interest of world peace ban islam." S/he agrees on false claim or petition to ban Islam. I wonder to myself as I am reading this comment: what level of bigotry and racist view are these? I am appalled as a sociologist to see such free acceptance of illogical statements in a petition that is to be taken seriously. This comment is written by a blind follower. You could say anything and the "yes, count me in" mentality kicks in. I could probably go around and gets quotes from random people saying that they hate football. That doesn't mean I will go forward with a petition to ban football. <br> 10) Comment 659 another female or male says: Female Oppression:(see Islam), Human rights Violation: (see Islam), Barbaric Sentences: (see Islam), Violations of International Law:(see Islam), Promotion and Financial Backing of Terrorism:(see Islam). Well at least people will see how Islam is tolerant in human principles and foundations ethically and morally. This is a good ending invitation from the petitioners. I agree, of all the words in the petion these words speak the loudest. Again, I agree, "see Islam". I would also add study Islam. I am not saying become a follower, but truly study the religion wich, as all religions, has its positives and negatives. You decide which for you. Do not let someone decide for you. <br> 11) Finally, the sponsor of the petition, his name is Lorenzo Bouchard, and his email, is <br> A final comment is what about the other numbers of comments which may be redicule the petition or call for peace and harmony in America in logical sense From the 659 or may be more comments? Just a question. Americans are not fools to accept such a racist and discriminative petition. Forty years ago, blacks compared with whites were less intillegent and some racist scientist like the one with Ph.D, the petitioner brought, claimed that in the 1980s, Today, Obama proved that blacks are not less than any person on earth if they have the chance and opportunity. For this I proudly say, long live America. And I feel sorry for this ill-guided petition to incite hatred in a healthy society like the USA. After seeing what president barrack Obama accomplished so far, few weeks ago I wrote, an article on this site titled: Am I Proud to be American? May be Someday! I will change my opinion now  the someday, have come. It is already in. My best regards to readers.(1713 words) <i><br>Hasan Yahya, is a professor of sociology, an Arab American Muslim, with two Ph.D degrees from Michigan State University. He wrote 20 books, and 150 plus articles on race relations, sociology, conflict management, psychology, poetry, IQ test measurement, and politics. He is a columnist at, Malaysia, and his creation, TINA International news Agency, Chicago, USA.</i><br>

Do you believe you don't deserve great women?  Then it can hardly be a surprise when you don't get them.

But if you change your attitude to believe you DO deserve a great women who matches the man you are--and you do!--then you'll be surprised by how much the change in mindset can positively affect your life.

That's not me talking.  It's Scot McKay.  And believe me, if you want to see your life change drastically over the next 30 days, then you better keep reading.

Who is Scot McKay? Why should you care, and what can he can do to help YOU attract the man or women of your dreams?

Well, I have actually known Scot for about 2 1/2 years now, and I remember after just a couple days of knowing him, that I had to let the world know who he is. In short, Scot is one of those rare people who doesn't just help you in one area, but in EVERY category. His amazing Deserve What You Want program, hosted by him and his wife, helps men and women alike get the kinds of success they always felt they deserved. It provides a platform for success that is just so simple yet so effective, that you'll wish you knew about it before.

Some of the things you learn in his Deserve What You Want e-program include:

* How to become a man who enjoys his choice among the sharpest women most worthy of long-term companionship.

* Scot also tells you how to get inside the minds of the sharpest women on Earth and find out what their wants and needs are.

* How to lose your weakness in the presence of "hotties" by renewing your focus on overall quality...stop being "blinded by beauty".  He really empowers you to be STRONG around the women...and thus deserve their attention and presence..

* Build leadership skills that mesmerize the men or women you desire, and earn their respect so fully that you eventually become the most respected person in the entire family--the one everyone turns to when the chips are down. This part, as you can guess, is mind-blowing.

* Specific online dating strategies that let you lose the "numbers game" mentality forever. Free yourself and get the highest percentage of the men or women online who are your top choices in your entire metro area.

* How to evaluate beautiful women you meet effectively--yes, YOU evaluate and choose THEM, not the other way around.  This is far better than drooling on them, thereby curing yourself from being subject to "rejection". Flip the tables on convention and from now on be a CHOOSER instead of a CHASER.

* Finally, what I really respect about Scot is how he shows you to maintain the moral high ground required to earn real respect from everyone...the women you meet as well as your peers.  Because you shouldn't treat yourself like a loser.

Guys: how you think of yourself determines the kind of women you deserve.  I think you can do the math there...

See, it isn't just about being a player. It's about being a WINNER, someone people respect. This is what Scot teaches you, whether you're a man...or a woman.

Best of all, Scot is one of those truly generous people who likes to help others in every way he can, including saving money! You can actually get three of his programs, each worth $30 or more on their own, for just $47! See for yourself right here. You get all three of Scot's great books, including "Secrets to Success with Women for Shorter Men," "Cook for Your Date," and the original "Deserve What You Want.

It's an amazingly generous value, but something you would expect...from Scot McKay.

If you are a shorter man, you may be like many who face a dilemma when it comes to dating and relationships.

You've heard that women prefer taller men over short guys. And you are not a taller man.

Does this mean that you can't successfully attract and seduce the women YOU want--including the ones who are taller than you?

No way! Being short doesn't have to be a limitation in finding and attracting the woman of your dreams. In fact, it can be an asset that other men dream of!

How? Because BELIEVING that you're too short is only giving women a reason to believe that you ARE too short, too. But conversely, developing a solid belief that you ARE tall enough, even a BETTER SIZE than taller men, will in turn make women believe the same thing!  You have an inside edge over taller men who fail with women, because YOU don't believe you will fail.  And from there, anything can happen.

It's a simple concept, but it totally works; I have applied it in own life to get the girls I want. But I honestly never would have realized this if it weren't for a  genuine guy I met a few years ago, who pioneered this principle and has helped, literally, thousands of short men attract gorgeous, high-quality women.

His name's Scot McKay, and his "Secrets to Success for Shorter Men" audio program can totally change your life. It discusses some truly empowering principles for short men--and costs less than a movie date.  Here are but a few things you'll learn:

* The trait to look for in a petite woman that all but guarantees she will adore you

* The traits to look for in TALLER women that all but guarantees that they, too, will adore you and even prefer you over taller men. (Truly incredible stuff!)

* How to handle confrontations with much larger men, should they happen when you are in the company of a woman.

* The #1 thing that women are looking for in a man—which most men cannot deliver upon. This is awesome stuff, guys.  Get this right and you really will enjoy incredible positive attention from women, regardless of your height.

But the information you can really take to the bank from this program is Scot's discussion of "the absolutely indispensable ingredient to success with women that shorter guys in particular repeatedly fail to get handled in their own disastrous effect." This stuff's so good that it alone makes the whole program, which costs less than $30, completely worth it. And that's just ONE of the many hours' worth of valuable information.

Really, if you're short and want to overcome this so-called "limitation," then Scot's Secrets to Success for Shorter Men audio program is for you. Take it from me: it's a small price to pay, for short men to finally attract the women they want with success.

Weddings are the bride's special day. She is expected to dress up in the most adorable and beautiful bridal gown, thus most bridal salons in Brooklyn offer only the most flattering and elegant designs for the bride. However, not all Brooklyn bridal gowns can flatter a small physique. If a bride is naturally petite there is a particular design that will compliment such figure.  


Being petite means having small figure at shorter height. So to get the best among many gowns available in Brooklyn, here are some suggested designs that can best suit women that are petite:


  • Flowing straight cut with halter top – This design can be best worn if you do not have broad shoulders and have shorter body length. The straight cut skirt of the Brooklyn bridal gown will help make the bride look slender and taller. Halter top can create vertical looks which also helps in longer appearance. An empire waist would make the bride look long-legged as well.

  • A-Line in Sabrina tops – This is best suited to petite women who have broad shoulders yet appears naturally small. The A-line effect of the skirt and the Sabrina style (off shoulder sleeves) will help her look wider. The off-sleeve will cover the unsightly big shoulders.

  • Wrap straight in sleeveless with close necklines – This design is much like the Chinese dress with close necklines without sleeves. The wrap style will be flattering as it provides natural slits on the sides. The wrap can start at the upper waist or just below the bust. Putting accents such as embroidery or bridal patches at the sides completes the gown.

These suggested designs matched with the right jewelry will surely make the bride look special in her wedding day. There is even no mention yet what the groom would think about what she look that day.


Indian apparels are undoubtedly available in all possible sixes. Indian attires like Kurtas are available in small, medium and large sizes. However the problem comes when petite women try to fit in one these sizes. Regardless of this fact we see that women with different body structures can wear Indian attires.

As far as the petite women are concerned, we find that our Indian apparel industry does cater to their requirement also. These tiny lass can easily get Indian apparel stitched as per their body type. This has proved to be beneficial for these women and also they can feel good after wearing these Indian attires.

Thus, one can rightly say that the craze for Indian attires is not restricted to anyone in particular. Every person can fit into these Indian attires while petite women or plus size women. The best part even about these Indian attires is that even if a ready made Indian kurti doesn't fit you one can surely get it stitched. In other words, no sets of people are deprived from wearing these Indian attires. All women with plus or petite size women can get their apparels stitched according to their size.

Indians have tactfully dealt with this situation of petite size women. Our fashion is not restricted because of any size issues. One is free to wear what one wants to wear. Though western garments have their own charm but they cannot be available in all sizes. A person may feel depressed while not getting desired designs in his or her sizes while he tries some western fits but on the contrary there are no such size issues for the Indian fashion attires.

The craze and craving for Indian attires are well looked after by the Indians. We can afford to get slim and slimmer, yet we shall be able to find clothes for ourselves. So as it is petite women have a well shaped body one can surely top it up by wearing ethnic wear. is one of the online Indian apparel stores providing large variety of indian apparels in all designs, colors and sizes.

It doesn't matter if you're short.

It doesn't matter if you're "ugly."

It doesn't even matter if you're broke!

You can, in fact, get the things you deserve. And if you want to get the woman of your dreams, you can easily do that, too.

How? With a guy who's pioneered the concept of "deserving what you want," Scott McKay.

Scot, who I know quite well, isn't just another Internet money-grubber. In fact, he's a genuinely honest, incredible guy who, if anything, gives away too many things for free! He really wants to help people, and in doing that, he likes to empower them with the concept of getting the things you deserve.

What his Deserve What You Want e-book shows you are the foundations, and the actions, for getting the women, riches, and power you always craved.

According to McKay, it all starts with a bit of knowledge: Do you know what women are really, truly like? Do you understand women enough to recognize a great one when you meet her? And do you know what turns them on and what turns them off?

If you don't, you're not going to deserve the women you desire. But if you empower yourself with an attitude and a knowledge of complete self-respect and understanding, then BELIEVE YOU ME, nothing will stop you!

Amazingly, says Scot, the better a man's skills with women are already and the more success he is having in the dating world the MORE LIKELY he is to think he's not good enough. It may surprise you, but the guys I hear talking about wanting to date strippers and otherwise focused on "getting laid" are very typically the ones who have the LEAST amount going on with the ladies.

What Scot teaches you is downright revolutionary. He shows that guys who have choices with women are all about QUALITY over QUANTITY. These guys aren't necessarily good looking or tall. They just have the attitude that they are the prize. Women notice it, and they want to be a part of it. Looks, money, and height just don't matter when you believe in yourself, and have others believing in you, too.

In short, you have to BELIEVE you are the prize, to get the prize! And whether that prize is fame, fortune, or beautiful women, Scot McKay can show you how to go from wanting it, to GETTING it.

So start deserving what you want, and getting what you want, to boot! Trust me, you won't regret it.

At 5 feet and 3 inches, Natalie Portman can be considered as a petite woman, and a very beautiful and stylish one at that. She is seen as one of the more talented young actresses of today, not to mention one of the smartest, as she also holds a Harvard degree.

As a petite woman, she is often able to wear outfits that make her appear taller and even more beautiful. In style and fashion, Natalie Portman usually can do whatever she wants and get away with it. If you are petite as well, you might want to copy some of Natalie Portman's looks and styles.

Petite is often than not misunderstood as being small. The truth of the matter is that petite does not refer to one's weight, but is actually referring to one's height. Petite fashions will come in a wide array of sizes from O to plus sized. Women who have a height below 5,4, are said to be petite whether they are slim, average or has a plus sized frame.

Natalie Portman is just of the petite celebrities of Hollywood. She has even modeled a lot of the petite fashions that many designers have created. Today, more and more designers design clothes suited for petite women. When you are petite, you should avoid colors, prints and cuts that are specifically created for taller women. Petite fashion includes shorter arm sleeves and shorter leg pants, higher waists, and narrower shoulders. Print patterns for petite people are usually smaller and they avoid chunky appearances.

When you are buying clothes for a petite woman, you are advised to keep up with simple styles. Do not wear a shirt longer than your mid thigh, and you should avoid colors that have drastic contrasts in trousers and blouses. Do not buy shoes that are flat or shoes that have square toes. What you should keep in mind is a pair of shoes that are comfortable and stylish with gently pointed toes. What you should also avoid in a petite woman's wardrobe are ribbons and buckles.

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